Executive Leadership Institute
The University of Tennessee Executive Leadership Institute develops exceptional executive leaders for the needs of the University of Tennessee System. The Institute targets leadership requirements for those already holding executive positions.
The Institute considers enterprise leadership to be a distinctive type requiring a modern new paradigm to address top-level administrators’ demands. Consequently, participants will be introduced to an enterprise issue-based model, supported by leadership competencies, enhanced by executive coaching sessions and strengthened by peer mentoring, for the following purposes:
- To increase enterprise viewpoint for UT executives
- To strengthen collaboration across the enterprise
- To extend the innovation platform at the enterprise level
- To add value for all UT campuses and institutes
- To identify and enhance each participant’s unique strengths and opportunities
How to Become a Participant
The Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) operates on a cohort basis. Candidates must be nominated to apply. Nominations are made by the University President, a campus Chancellor, an institute’s Vice President, the UT Foundation’s President or a System Vice President. From the applications, between 15 and 20 candidates are selected to participate.
For more information about the Executive Leadership Institute, please contact the Naifeh Center’s Executive Director Kim Harmon at kim.harmon@tennessee.edu.